Jan 06, 2017

openvpn –dev tun –port 9999 –verb 4 –ping-restart 10 –up ‘echo up’ –down ‘echo down’ –persist-tun –up-restart. Note that OpenVPN also provides the –ifconfig option to automatically ifconfig the TUN device, eliminating the need to define an –up script, unless you … persist-tun and redirect-gateway - community.openvpn.net Hello, We have several servers for robustness. Our clients use our server as a total VPN, with the redirect-gateway def1 option. We initially thought about using the persist-tun option, so as to improve robustness whenever a server falls down. Christoph’s OpenVPN Mini-FAQ – workaround.org keepalive 1 5 persist-tun persist-key persist-local-ip persist-remote-ip push "persist-key" push "persist-tun" It will make the client send a "ping" to the server every second. If there is no reply to that "ping" after 5 seconds then the connection will be re-initiated. OpenVPN site to site setup - zeldor.biz Dec 24, 2010

2) Create an OpenVPN configuration file on your client computer: client dev tap proto udp remote router-address 1194 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun ca ca.crt cert client1.crt key client1.key ns-cert-type server comp-lzo verb 3

Obfuscating OpenVPN - Pluggable Transports client dev tun proto tcp sndbuf 0 rcvbuf 0 remote YOURSERVERIPADDRESS #Change this one to your public IP address port 1194 #Change this one to the port you’re using for OpenVPN resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server cipher AES-256-CBC comp-lzo setenv opt block-outside-dns key-direction 1 verb 3 tls-auth ta.key 1 ca ca.crt cert CLIENT.crt key CLIENT.key

How to configure iOS OpenVPN client with certificate

Force OpenVPN Connect to connect via UDPv4 - OpenVPN Aug 24, 2018