Free Guide: Remove personal information from the internet

Useful guidelines for safely surfing the Internet include: Don't give out personal information (name, age, address, phone number, social security number) to strangers. Never meet in person with an online stranger unless you get your parent's permission and have them come with you. In this day and age, it seems like everything takes place online. From your shopping expenditures to most of your communications, the internet has truly become a part of every part of our daily lives. And while there are several benefits to the ease and immediacy of the digital age, there are also several security breaches that can arise when living a life online. Check out these few key "Dos There are two main ways hackers may try to get your personal information. One way is to try to obtain information directly from an Internet-connected device by installing spyware, which sends information from your device to others without your knowledge or consent. To guard your online transactions, use encryption software that scrambles information you send over the internet. A “lock” icon on the status bar of your internet browser means your information will be safe when it’s transmitted. Look for the lock before you send personal or financial information online.

Oct 26, 2016 · Encrypt your data: Make sure you have transitioned to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, which allows you to transmit sensitive information, such as login credentials and credit card numbers, securely between a client, like a web browser, and a server. 6. Protect your freedom of thought.

With the rise in use of social media sites and networks, people are making more personal information available to the online world, making it more difficult to protect valuable data. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to protect your own online identity and personal information. How to Protect Your Personal Information Online | Vista

How Privacy Laws Are Changing To Protect Personal Information

Whether you love to shop, seek out new information or keep in touch with friends on social media, protecting your private information from viruses, spyware and hackers in the digital age should be a top priority. Here’s our 8 tips to help keep your personal information … 7 ways to protect your privacy on the internet Aug 18, 2015