Credential Manager is a place where credentials in the OS are can be stored for specific domain resources based on the targetname of the resource. For VPN, the VPN stack saves its credential as the session default. If it does have that capability and if the resource that you are trying to access is in the Intranet zone in the Internet

Types of VPN : Remote-access VPN , Intranet-based: Site-to Nov 15, 2015 What are the three types of VPN? | HowStuffWorks An intranet (password-protected site for company employees)-based VPN connects LAN to LAN when a company wants to connect multiple remote connections in one private network. An extranet-based VPN connects LAN to LAN between multiple companies (such as customers and suppliers) so that they can work in a shared environment.

Policy Based VPN vs Route Based VPN - Know the Difference

An intranet (password-protected site for company employees)-based VPN connects LAN to LAN when a company wants to connect multiple remote connections in one private network. An extranet-based VPN connects LAN to LAN between multiple companies (such as customers and suppliers) so that they can work in a shared environment. Difference between Intranet VPN and Extranet VPN • Remote access VPN • Intranet VPN • Extranet VPN Intranet VPN. The figure-1 depicts Intranet VPN. The VPN network is a restricted computer network which uses WWW and other security protocols such as (IPsec, GRE) in order to provide secured connection between client and server. Refer IPsec basics for more information on IPsec protocol and Advantages of an extranet-based VPN

An intranet is a network where employees can create content, communicate, collaborate, get stuff done, and develop the company culture. An extranet is like an intranet, but also provides controlled access to authorized customers, vendors, partners

Apr 26, 2017 Network Security Chapter 14 Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following is an IPSec-based VPN protocol that uses NAT traversal (NAT-T)? suppliers, partners, or communities of interest to a corporate intranet over a shared infrastructure? Extranet VPNs. Which of the following requires PKI support and is used for encryption with newer tunneling protocols? of the following is a solution Intranet and Extranet: Comparing Information and Data The VPN allows all of these locations to securely access the same intranet. Extranet based is used to connect the networks of companies with a close relationship such as suppliers or customers. Chapter 12 Flashcards | Quizlet b. intranet c. PAN d. VPN. intranet. network adapters send data packets based on a a. ip address b. router address c. frame address d. mac address. MAC address. providing adequate security on a corporate network involves all of the following issues except a. …